


Place & Date

coming soon


Both the foreign team and the Japanese team are welcome tournaments.
□IMV tournament
Through Mixed Volleyball -Connect the ball, connect our hearts together -Gather people from different countries and languages -Increase international members and the popularity of Mixed Volleyball


1. Provide opportunities for anyone to play Mixed Volleyball all over the world including travellers
2. Provide international environments to practice Mixed Volleyball 
3. Provide international environments to hold tournaments
4. Make an easier access for international teams to join local Mixed Volleyball tournaments
5. Host national mixed volleyball teams from all over the world to make the championship league in Tokyo in 2020 


1. Height of the net: 224cm
2. Rotation: Basically one team requires three men and three women. (give 5 handicapped points if 4 men in a court.3set is 3 points)
3. No Back attack
4. No Jumping serve
5. Set: 3 set match, 25 points (deuce up till 27 points)
6. 3 set is  just 5 points.(deuce up till 7 points)
□IMV tournament
1. Height of the net: 224cm
2. Rotation: Man and women in a role (give 5 handicapped points if 4 men in a court)
3. No Back attack
4. No Jumping serve
5. Set: 1 set match, 25 points (deuce up till 27 points)

Tournament fee

Team participants: 11.880yen / team
[Bank] 楽天銀行 Rakuten Bank
[Branch] ダンス支店 dance Branch
[Branch number]  208
[Account number]  普通口座 7016415
[Account name]  トクヒ)ニホンコンゴウバレーボールキョウカイ

MVP Comment

Comment from Mauro, the MVP from the 2nd IMV Tournament in Oct, 2016
First of all, I would like to express my thanks to the organizers of the 2nd IMV tournament. As well as the 1st tournament, I think it was very well organized, resulting in the success of the event. There were much more teams participating, that means we had much more fun, much more opportunities to make new friends with people of varied nationalities! I hope that many other mixed volleyball tournaments like this will continue to be organized so that more and more people participate and know the attractiveness of this modality of volleyball.
まずは、第2回IMVトーナメントの主催者に感謝の意を表する。 第1回IMVトーナメントと同様に、よく組織されイベントの成功をもたらしたと思う。 前回より多くのチームが参加してさらに楽しかった。それに多様な国籍のプレーヤーと新しい友達をつくる機会になれた。 これからもこのようなIMVトーナメントが引き続き開催され、ますます多くのプレーヤーが参加し、 このような種類のバレーボールの魅力が広まることを願っている。
En primer lugar me gustaria extender mis palabras de agradecimiento a los organizadores del segundo torneo internacional de volei mixto. Al igual que el primer torneo, creo que estuvo muy bien organizado, resultando en el éxito del evento. El número de equipos participantes fué el doble que en de la primera vez, es decir, que tuvimos el doble de diversión, el doble de oportunidades para hacer nuevas amistades con personas de varias nacionalidades. Espero que muchos otros  
Primeiramente gostaria de deixar as minhas palavras de agradecimento aos organizadores do segundo torneio internacional de vôlei misto. Assim como o primeiro, acho que foi muito bem organizado, resultando assim, no sucesso do evento. O número de times participantes foi o dobro do primeiro, ou seja, tivemos o dobro de diversão, o dobro de oportunidades de fazer amizades novas, com pessoas das mais variadas nacionalidades! Espero que muitos outros torneios de vôlei misto como este continuem a serem organizados para que mais e mais pessoas participem e conheçam a atratividade desta modalidade de vôlei. Torneos de volei mixto como éste continuen siendo organizados de manera que más y más personas puedan participar y conocer el atractivo de esta modalidad de volei.